Wahkotowin Child & Family Service Inc.

Our mission is to promote and support the well-being of children, youth and families in our community through culturally appropriate programs and services.

Agency Profile

A Board of Directors guides the governance structure for the agency. There are three Board of Director members that represent each respective First Nation. As well, there is an Elder that sits with the Board of Directors. An Elders Advisory Committee represents the three First Nations. As well, the agency tries to meet with all the Elders on a quarterly basis. The prevention program also has an Elder to provide guidance.

Over the years the agency has encountered many challenges, one of them was the awareness of Child and Family Service. To bring positive awareness to the program, we have had many community events, which are well-attended. The agency does have an Elder Advisory Committee that acts in an advisory capacity, and has been very instrumental in the Annual Elders Gatherings the agency has facilitated.

The guidance from the Elders plays a key role in on-going development of the agency, as they make recommendations to the agency regarding the needs of the community.

The Wahkotowin Child and Family Services Inc. Board of Directors recognize we cannot succeed alone. Rather we must continue to work cooperatively and in true partnership with the members and Elders to influence the outcome and results of improving the quality of life for our gifts – our children.

Contact Us

Reg. Hours: Mid March - Mid Nov, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Winter Hours: Mid Nov - Mid March, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Phone: 306-864-2595 Fax: 306-864-2560
Toll Free: 1-866-423-2595

Emergency or after hour’s on-call:
306-864-7441 or 306-864-7442